

About This Course

Pedodontics is a branch of dentistry that deal with children’s oral health from birth to adolescence. This course is presented by Dr. Philip Prabhu, BDS, MDS, a popular medical and dental expert.

What We Offer In This Course:
  1. Psychological Development and Behaviour Management
  2. Dental Caries
  3. Developing Dentition and Its Disturbances
  4. Space Maintainers
  5. Oral Habits
  6. Examination and Diagnosis
  7. Disturbance of Teeth and Surrounding Structures
  8. Gingival and Periodontal Diseases in Children
  9. Maintenance of oral Hygiene
  10. Preventive Approach to Caries Control
  11. Pedodontic Restorative Dentistry
  12. Crowns in Pediatric Dentistry
  13. Pediatric Endodontics
  14. Dental Traumatology
  15. Pharmacotherapy
  16. Pediatric Oral Surgery
  17. Management of Children with Special Health Care Needs
  18. Child Abuse and Neglect
  19. Forensic Odontology
  20. Dental Ethics
  21. Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Methodology


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Pedodontics Videos

Factors Affecting Child Behaviour-1